Fee Refunds
This policy seeks to clearly articulate the terms and conditions for seeking a fee refund after making a contractual agreement to play the next season with Adamstown Rosebud Football Club.
Club Registration Fees
This policy describes the timing and process for making payment of annual registration fees to Adamstown Rosebud Football Club.
Code of Conduct for Club Officials
Club Officials are responsible for the development and promotion of the sport and the club, but these objectives do not come at the cost of appropriate behaviour. This code of conduct clearly articulates the standards of behaviour that the Club expects from its officials.
Code of Conduct for Club Coaches
Our Club Coaches have the most direct influence on the behaviour of our players, and the perceptions of the Club by the wider football community. The following policy seeks to clearly articulate the standards of behaviour that the Club expects from its Coaches.
Code of Conduct for Youth Players
We all have a responsibility to promote high standards of behaviour in the game and as an NPL Club we have higher standards to meet than most other clubs. The following policy seeks to clearly articulate the standards of behaviour that the Club expects from its Youth Players.
Code of Conduct for Senior Players
We all have a responsibility to promote high standards of behaviour in the game and as an NPL club we have higher standards to meet than most other clubs. The following policy seeks to clearly articulate the standards of behaviour that the Club expects from its Senior Players, who are also role models for our youth players in the Club.
Code of Conduct for Parents
Parents and guardians have a responsibility to support their child’s football activities in a positive way on and off the field. This includes being a role model and encouraging good behaviour in not only their own child but also their teammates, coach, manager and other spectators. Supporting their own child and their team is natural, but it needs to be done in a positive and supportive way in a harassment-free environment.
Code of Conduct for Spectators
Our club endorses and promotes the FFA Spectator Code of Behaviour in its entirety.
Smoke Free Policy
Our Club recognises that passive smoking is hazardous to health and those non-smoking members and visitors have the right to be protected from exposure to tobacco smoke. Accordingly, the following policy shall apply to all Club facilities, functions, meetings and activities undertaken by the Club and will apply to all members, officials, players and Club visitors.
Member Protection & Issue Resolution
Our Club requires that all issues are resolved to the satisfaction of all parties in a timely fashion. Accordingly, the following issue resolution procedures have been developed to enable this objective to be fulfilled. All members have a responsibility to participate in reasonable actions to resolve issues. The policy and procedures below detail the level of involvement for expediting issue resolution.
Alcohol Management
This document outlines our policy and procedures for a balanced and responsible approach to the service, supply, consumption and promotion of alcohol at Club games, special events, functions and other Club-related activities.
Media Consent
This document outlines how our club may collect and use personal images obtained by photography or video recording of you or your child whilst taking part in club activities.
Social Media
This document outlines how our club expects its officials, players, coaches, families and supporters to embrace social media with respect to any communications directly associated with or to the club.