Our senior squad is pushing for better mental health across the community by taking part in The Push-Up Challenge 2022.
First Grade and Reserve Grade players have formed three teams who, from June 1, will attempt to complete 3,139 push-ups over 24 days while raising funds for Lifeline Hunter.
Team 1 – Captain, Drew Grierson
Team 2 – Captain – Oliver Davies
Team 3 – Captain – Nick Pettiford
First grade fullback Drew Grierson is one of the team captains. The 23-year-old Kotara High School PDHPE teacher participated in the Challenge last year. He said having good mental health can be a daily challenge for some people. He sees the daily physical push up challenge as a way to signify and to think about those people’s experience.
“The Push-Up Challenge is a great to stay connected, get fitter, learn about mental health and have a bit of fun along the way,” Mr Grierson said.
“This year it will be great to have the whole squad doing the challenge with a bit of rivalry between the boys,” he said.
“We’re challenging other Mens’ NPL clubs and sporting teams to get around the Challenge to raise money for Lifeline, which does so much locally to help people in crisis and to prevent suicide.”
Lifeline Hunter CEO Rob Sams thanked the club and its players for their support and praised efforts to promote good mental health within the club and the community.
Adamstown Rosebud also has a partnership with youth mental health organisation, headspace, to provide resilience and mental health awareness resources and support to players and coaches. It is helping headspace to develop and pilot a coaching resource to incorporate mental health awareness and skills during training sessions.
Mr Sams is also doing the Push-Up Challenge. He said there is evidence of the positive connection between good physical and mental health, so those doing the challenge will make a difference to their own life as well as the lives of other Hunter people.
“Every dollar Adamstown Rosebuds and other people and teams undertaking the challenge for Lifeline Hunter raise during the Challenge will go to local suicide prevention services and support,” Mr Sams said.
“Lifeline’s staff and volunteers are here to make sure no one has to face their darkest moment alone,” he said.
“The 3,139 push-ups isn’t a random number. That is how many Australians died by suicide in 2020. Suicide is the leading cause of death for Australians between the ages of 15 and 44.”
“Every year, Lifeline answers more than one million requests for support. We receive a call or text to our 13 11 14 crisis support service every 30 seconds.”
“Many in our community are doing it tough right now. We’re experiencing more demand for crisis support and our free face to face and online counselling. So, more than ever, we’re relying on local community donations and fundraising to be there to listen to local people and to give them hope.”
People doing the challenge aren’t restricted to traditional push ups. They can do kneeling or wall push ups, sit ups, squats or star jumps.
The Push-Up Challenge was founded in 2017 and is run by The Push For Better Foundation. With 414million push-ups done, it has become Australia’s largest mental health and fitness initiative. More than 174,000 Australians did the challenge last year.
To support one of the Adamstown Rosebud teams use the links above or click here.
- More than 65,000 Australians make a suicide attempt each year.
- Nine Australians die every day by suicide. 75 per cent of those who take their own life are male.
- For each life lost to suicide, the impacts are felt by up to 135 people, including family members, work colleagues, friends, first responders at the time of death.
- 1 in 4 Australians are lonely and have no-one to speak to. Lifeline is here to listen and offer hope.
Lifeline support
- Telephone: 13 11 14
- Lifeline Text: 0477 13 11 14
- Chat online: www.lifeline.org.au
- Free counselling (face to face or online): 1300 152 854 or lifelinehunter.org.au