Adamstown Rosebud Football Club is pleased to announce that we have partnered with GeoSnapShot who will provide a platform from which we can store and distribute our club photos.
One of the challenges that faces most sporting clubs is where to store all the photos that are taken each season so that they can be kept in an easily accessible location.
With GeoSnapShot, we can store all our club photos in the one place, give our sponsors extra exposure, and fund raise without heavy lifting, all by using photos taken by our club members who are happy to donate their images. You can visit our new photo page on our website here.
We will be able to easily create an online photo archive for our club, from which we can sell or share photos, in minutes. In so doing, with the support of our internal club photographers, we will be able to make any of the images available for download for a small fee. 70 percent of this fee comes straight to our club for fund raising and the other 30 percent goes to GeoSnapShot as our storage fee.
To find the photos that you want, members can upload a selfie and the GeoSnapShot AI serves up all their photos from previous games, events and years, quickly and easily. Each member is given a FREE, never-to-be-deleted, personal online gallery to view their photos and share!
This site will also enable us to source and catalogue a lot of our historical photos that are currently stored in a number of different locations. It will give us the tools to be able to more effectively chronicle our club’s history.
As we approach the start of our deferred 2020 season it will be helpful to find volunteers within the club who will be interested in donating and uploading their match day photos to the GeoSnapShot page. This does not preclude people from uploading photos to a closed Facebook page for their team but, as much as possible, we’d like to share images from the whole club to the whole club on a regular basis throughout the season.
Any club members who are interested in getting involved in match day photography this year should leave their details at